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Standardization of herbal formulation or drug is essential to assess the quality, safety and efficacy. In last few years, the use of herbal drugs has been increased drastically all over the world due to high therapeutic effect and low adverse effect as compared to other conventional drug. The high usage of herbal drug by the people is the driving force to evaluate the health claim of these products. Nilavembu churna- A poly herbal formulation is concentrated decoction, commonly used in siddha medicine to treat dengue fever. Andrographis paniculata(nilavembu) is known as kirayat in ayurveda and also essential ingredient in nilavembu churna, which is used as unique drug for dengue fever and other related viral febrile state. Evaluation of Nilavembu churna is conducted by Chemical and Analytical methods. Preliminary screening test is performed to confirm the presence of phytochemicals. Analytical evaluation- To establish relationship between obtained data and standard value. Chromatography - the separation of molecules based on variation in their structure and/or composition. HPTLC – Useful for qualitative/quantitative method for pharmaceutical analysis. Spectrometry evaluation- Quantitative measurement of interaction of ultraviolet (UV), visible, infra red (IR) radiation with a samples. Infra red evaluation - Identification of drugs, polymorphs, Raw materials, excipients. By using above parameters, finding the variation among three nilavembu products