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Resources are utilized in the context of some specific aim only. These are the sources of those means which are essential for our survival and flourishing. There are different many more types of resources. Marine is also come under the category of natural resources. We can call every such matter or substances, a resource which we can make useful and significant. Around 70% of the earth‟s crust is covered by ocean. The ocean has always been subjected to human activities. To a varying extent these activities had adverse impacts on the state of marine environment. Various substances for human welfare are obtained from oceans. Like living resources includes algae and animals. Non-living resources, includes sea-water, sea beds are rich in many minerals and most important salt, medicine, pearl and coral. But the continuing human population explosion has compelled human beings to think about the final limitations of the earth rather than their normal local limitations. The introduction of different types of point and non-point source pollution by human population directly or indirectly of substances or energy to the marine environment resulting in deleterious effects such as: hazards to human health, hindrance to marine activities, impairment of the quality of seawater for various uses and reduction of amenities. Now the greatest question, how to face the danger of rapid destruction of marine resources. Thus, the aim of the present study is, how we can save the marine resources and marine life from point source and non-point source pollution